Saturday, December 20, 2008

Getting into this blog thing

I decided if I'm going to do this "blog" - I'll do it right.
 So I got in touch with a photographer I happen to know and she took a picture of Wayne and I special for this blog!

I also added a photo to my profile.. 
but maybe one you kids could help me get it in the correct place near the top???

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Five Kids

Thanks Kenny for helping me over the phone with scanning these pictures!

Here's a picture of my 5 kids when they were younger. Karen, the oldest, is 12 years old here. Kenny is the baby. Boy, his son Cullen sure does look like him doesn't he? The others pictured here are Joni on the left, Lisa on the right, and Tippy--oops, I mean Jimmy--in the middle.

And here's a very nice Christmas picture! Kenny, I may have to call you again though because I'm not sure the scanner is working properly. Oh, these computers!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Welcome to Grandma Cave Online!

To be honest, I've tried to avoid having to get a blog to keep in touch with my kids, but it's getting harder to avoid! It's the "Secret Shomo Gift Exchange" that put things over the top!

Anyway, I can't guarantee I'll blog a lot. Email me or Kenny if you'd like to be able to post pictures of me or stories about me on this site (but be nice and keep it clean, please!).

Here's some pictures I was able to find... starting with me and my wonderful husband:

Me and my youngest grandson (gosh, this was taken a long time ago). I hope someone will posts pictures of me and my other grandkids too.

And here are my five children, sorry this picture is so small -- I had to scan it from a wallet size.